Basaa-ir (Criticism of Atheism and Evidence of Islam) - Haitham Talaat

بصائر في نقد الإلحاد وبيان أدلة صحة الإسلام - د.هيثم طلعت

One of the most comprehensive works concerning the refutation of atheism and the argumentation of the veracity of Islam. It is the fruit of nearly 18 years of research by Dr. Haityham Talaat. In his introduction, he tells us:

"I set a deadline for myself approximately twelve years ago to write a substantial book on the criticism of atheism and show certain proofs of the truth of Islam. Years pass, the deadline approaches, and with it, Allah willing, the completion of this effort. This year, in particular, serves as a deadline, and the book you’re holding is the first part of this project.

The “Criticism of Atheism and Evidence of Islam” project is divided into three parts: the first part, which is discussed in this book, deals with a critique of the most well-known doubts raised by atheists regarding the signs of the emergence of the universe and the signs of living things, with a greater emphasis on the proofs and signs of the existence of the Creator, Glory be to Him. The second part will, Allah willing, deal with a refutation of atheists’ views in the religion, as well as an explanation of some of the proofs of the validity of Islam and evidence of the sincerity of the Messenger, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, and facts about the coming Prophet known to the People of the Book. The third part of this project is to criticize the most well-known atheist fabrications about Islam and Shari’ah, as well as to demonstrate how to cope with suspicions and theological whispers."

52.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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بصائر في نقد الإلحاد وبيان أدلة صحة الإسلام
د.هيثم طلعت
مؤسسة قطر الندى
بدون تشكيل أو القليل من المتن
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