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Sharh Tadhkirah as-Sami' wal-Mutakallim fi Adab al-'Ilm - al-'Usaymi

شرح تذكرة السامع والمتكلم في أدب العالم والمتعلم لابن جماعة - الشيخ صالح العصيمي

Acceptable: Visibly damaged book, but overall appearance is good and perfectly readable. Possible defects include: large scratches or tears on the cover, moisture marks on the pages, defects on the front cover, cover may be bent or misaligned on one side.

A book in acceptable condition has only one or two of these damages, or several lights damages.

This book is new but in a damaged condition. You can find the listing of the product here.

The defective books sold as part of the campaign "Warehouse Deals" can neither be refunded nor exchanged.

9.00 € (شامل للضريبة) 18.00 €
Reduced price‎-50%
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شرح تذكرة السامع والمتكلم في أدب العالم والمتعلم لابن جماعة
الشيخ صالح العصيمي
دار العالمية
مع بعض التشكيل
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