Al-Ihtijaj bi al-Ijma' 'ala Masail Usul ad-Din - Dr Mansur Raslan

الاحتجاج بالإجماع على مسائل أصول الدين - د. منصور رسلان

The reader of the science of the principles of jurisprudence will definitely sense that the foundations and disciplines of this science are firmly established, and have been subject to the writings of many scholars, since the Imam Al-Shafi’i’s work until the present time. And when the matter became established for this science all these centuries back, it affected all sciences because it is one of the most important sciences and tools that the scholars cannot do without, let alone the seeker of Islamic knowledge. Whoever is deprived of the fundamentals of jurisprudence is deprived of attainment. So the studies of the fundamentals of jurisprudence affected the study of the religion’s principles, which therefore led to a mutual relationship of impact and affectivity, as the first had the virtue of setting the fundamentals, whereas the second sought to remove wordiness and the inessential expressions.

This study, which applies the fundamentals of jurisprudence and the fundamentals of religion, deals with the issue of consensus, and the consensus of the predecessors regarding Aqidah (creed), according to what was established, written, and examined from the issues of consensus in the science of the fundamentals of jurisprudence derived from theorizing, and what was narrated of consensus in the fundamentals of religion before the fourth century Hijri.

22.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الاحتجاج بالإجماع على مسائل أصول الدين
د. منصور رسلان
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Al-Ihtijaj bi al-Ijma' 'ala Masail Usul ad-Din - Dr Mansur Raslan
22.50 €