Al-Fara-id wa al-Mawarith wa al-Wasaya - Dr. Muhammad az-Zuhayli

الفرائض والمواريث والوصايا - أ. د. محمد الزحيلي

One of the best books on Fara-id and Mawarith in Islam that you can find. Indeed, the book is meant to be general (all schools are mentioned) and contemporary. To do so, the author, a specialist in Shafi'i Fiqh (the most famous Mutun in this field are the work of Shafi'i scholars), has followed the following methodology:

- Highlighting the evidence of the Qur'an, Sunnah, Consensus and finally the main Usul.

- Clarification of all the points and rules on which the four schools agree, and this is the case most of the time in the field of inheritance.

- Exposing the issues of disagreement by mentioning the different opinions and their evidence

- The rare or weak opinions on certain issues

- Finally, it should be noted that anecdotal or anachronistic issues are treated summarily, as their usefulness is outdated nowadays.

The edition is magnificent, in a large volume of 750 pages, with all sources in footnotes.

36.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الفرائض والمواريث والوصايا
د. محمد الزحيلي
دار القلم
بدون تشكيل أو القليل من المتن
جودة الطباعة
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Al-Fara-id wa al-Mawarith wa al-Wasaya - Dr. Muhammad az-Zuhayli
36.90 €