Zaad al-Ma'aad of Ibn al-Qayyim

Al-Majmu' ath-Thamin fi Sirah an-Nabi ﷺ al-Amin...

Al-Ma'sul fi Shama-il ar-Rasul (Sharh Mukhtasar...

Mukhtarat min Zaad al-Maad by Ibn al-Qayyim -...

Min Fiqh As-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah - Dr. Akram...

A high quality book on one of the most important subjects for the Muslim, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The book is structured in an academic manner, not a long literary biography, but rather a succession of themes and stories in chronological order. Shaykh Taqi ed-Dine an-Nadwi, thanks to his specialization as a Muhaddith, attaches great importance to the accuracy of the sources, and thus clarifies or explains what may have been said by older historians.
A biography that goes further than a simple biography: not to be missed,
Published in 3 beautiful volumes, with a careful layout, and prefaced by Dr. Abdallah at-Turki, Su'ud Ash-Shuraym, Mawqif Abdel-Qadir.
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