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Al-Wajeez fi fiqh as-sunnati wal-kitaabil-Azeez (harakat)

الوجيز في فقه السنة والكتاب العزيز - د. عبد العظيم بن بدوي

Very good condition: Book in perfect condition with the exception of a slight defect such as: stained page edges (fingerprints or slight moisture stains), superficial defect on the cover (less than 1cm), sticker or trace of sticker, a few creased pages.

A book in very good condition has only one of these damages.

This book is new but in a damaged condition. You can find the listing of the product here.

The defective books sold as part of the campaign "Warehouse Deals" can neither be refunded nor exchanged.

14.04 € (شامل للضريبة) 18.00 €
Reduced price‎-22%
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الوجيز في فقه السنة والكتاب العزيز
د. عبدالعظيم بن بدوي
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