ad-Daa wad-Dawaae (al-Jawab al-Kaafi) - ibn al-Qayyim

الداء والدواء للإمام ابن قيم الجوزية

Good condition: Book in good condition with one or more defects : stained page edges (fingerprints or light moisture stains), superficial defect on the cover (less than 1cm), sticker or trace of sticker, a few creased pages, scratches or tears of less than 2cm on a corner or on the back cover, crease or fold mark due to transport, trace of wear and tear under the edge of the book (mark due to storage) 

A book in good condition has only one or two of these damages.

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23.38 € (شامل للضريبة) 34.90 €
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الداء والدواء - الجواب الكافي لمن سأل عن الدواء الشافي
الإمام ابن قيم الجوزية
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ad-Daa wad-Dawaae (al-Jawab al-Kaafi) - ibn al-Qayyim
23.38 €