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Silsilah al-Quran: Fadaail al-Quran

This valuable book presents five important epistles by Imam al-Khattabi, may God have mercy on him, on various Quranic and Sunnah topics. They are:
1. Bayan I'jaz al-Quran (Exposition of the Miraculous Nature of the Quran): In it, Imam al-Khattabi discusses the miraculous nature of the Holy Quran and details the aspects of this miracle in a sound scholarly style.
2. Shan al-Du'a wa Tafsir al-Ad'iyah al-Mathurah (The Importance of Supplication and Explanation of the Reported Supplications): It explains the importance of supplication in Islam and interprets the supplications narrated from the Prophet ﷺ, along with explaining their meanings.
3. Islah Ghalat al-Muhaddithin (Correcting the Errors of Hadith Scholars): In it, Imam al-Khattabi discusses some common errors made by some Hadith scholars in narrating or understanding Hadith.
4. Risalah al-Ghina 'an al-Kalam wa Ahlih (The Epistle of Contentment with Silence and its People): It clarifies the virtue of silence and the wisdom of speaking little, and warns against excessive and pointless talk.
5. Al-I'tisam bi al-'Uzlah (Adhering to Seclusion): It deals with the virtue of seclusion at certain times to devote oneself to worship and reflection.
This book is a great collection that demonstrates the vast knowledge of Imam al-Khattabi, may God have mercy on him, and sheds light on important aspects of the Quranic and Sunnah sciences. It is a beautiful, verified, and authenticated edition, with full vocalization (100% Harakat).
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