Fath al-Latif fi Ahkam al-Mushaf ash-Sharif...

Mabadih al-Mutashabih al-Lafdhi fi al-Quran...

Fadaa-il al-Qu'ran al-Karim - Shaykh Abdulaziz...

Fi Rawdatil-Quran al-Karim - Shaykh ibn Baz...

Orientalism and the Koran - Dr. Akram al-'Umari

An extremely useful and interesting work that brings together all the prophetic narrations concerning the merits of the suras of the Qur'an.
Scholars throughout history have paid great attention to the purified Sunnah and made every effort to safeguard it, whether by collecting editing it, criticizing it, studying its chains of transmission, or deriving rulings from it. This research, which was initially a PhD dissertation, examined all of the Ahadiths and narrations found in the virtues of the Surahs of the Holy Qur'an.
The book is divided into two sections: the accepted segment, which includes authentic and good Ahadiths and narrations, as well as weak ones that are reliable, as well as evaluating each hadith or narration and describing its status of authenticity, good, or reliability. The second section is the rejected section of hadiths and narrations, which are extremely weak, fabricated, and well-known Ahadiths and narrations, with a study of the reasons for their fabrication, an explanation of those accused of fabricating them, and an explanation of their current status.
For all the Hadiths cited, there are detailed annotations concerning their degree of authenticity.
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