Manhaj Ibn Taymiyyah fi Tawjih Aqwal...

Fawaid at-Taqwa min al Quran al Karim -...

Qayd Al-Awabid - Al-'Isami (Tafsir, Fawa-id,...

al Ilmaam bi Ba'd Ayaat al-Ahkaam - al-Uthaymin...

Al-Qu'ran al-Karim (Adab, Hifdh, Fadail, Ulum,...

A very good book that details the Tadabbur al-Quran, the meditation and introspection that the reading of the Word of Allah is supposed to require by two Shuyukh of Al-Azhar, specialists in the Koran and its sciences.
They first define the Tadabbur, then how the Qur'an and the Sunnah invite us to that, then the various works and actions that help to meditate the Qur'an (Ikhlas, Isti'adha, Tajwid, attentive listening, the best moments , the reflection, the Qiyam Layl ...), and the things that prevent on the contrary (Kibr, carelessness, heart disease, sins ...). Finally the authors expose the fruits of Qur'anic meditation (Khushu ', al-Istinbat, al-'Amal bima fihi).
A good Risalah short but very beneficial to remind us to order.
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