At-Tafwid fi as-Sifat al-Ilahiyyah - Muhammad ar-Rabah
التفويض في الصفات الإلهية بين أقوال السلف ودعاوى الخلف - محمد الرباح
This detailed research deals with Tafwidh in names and attributes. Indeed, for the Asharis, the Hanbalis / Atharis are part of Ahl as-Sunnah because they practice Tafwidh, i.e. they accept the attribute, without giving a meaning to it, a meaning they leave to Allah. For Ibn Taymiyya to say this of the Salafs is an injustice, for they affirmed the known meaning of the attributes without evading, except for the Kayf - the how.
Some statements of the Salafs or some Hanbalis refer to a Tafwidh of the meaning, others to a Tafwidh of the how. This research tends to verify, with evidence, whether or not the Salafs did Tawfidh, and if so how. And what about the Tafwidh of the meaning of the attributes which authenticates the word, but leaves out its explanation, even linguistically?
Data sheet
- Title
- التفويض في الصفات الإلهية بين أقوال السلف ودعاوى الخلف
- Author
- الشيخ محمد الرباح
- Pages
- 693
- Edition
- دار الإمام مسلم
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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فتح العلي الأعلى بشرح القواعد المثلى ـ الشيخ عبيد الجابري
Lawami' al-Bayyinat - Collection of the Names of Allah in the Qur'an
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الوجيز في ذكر صفات ربنا القوي العزيز - ماهر عبد الحميد مقدم
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