Rebuttal of the innovators' Usul in the Sifat according to ibn Taymiya

الأصول التى بنى عليها المبتدعة مذهبهم فى الصفات والرد عليها من كلام ابن تيمية

The principles on which the innovators built their doctrine, regarding Allah’s Attributes, and the response to them from the words of Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah - Abdul Qadir bin Muhammad Atta Sufi

The origin of the book is a doctoral dissertation by the Syrian sheikh Abdul-Qadir bin Muhammad Atta Sufi. It is a huge book of three volumes, in which the author mentioned the origins of the innovators in negating some of Allah’s Attributes (the evidence of at-Tarkib - composition of the body or anthropomorphism, the evidence of al-A’rad - symptoms, and the evidence of at-Takhsis - specification) in detail from their books. Then he responded to them from the books of Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.

The author’s depth and deep understanding of ibn Taymiya’s heritage, especially his books “Minhaj Al-Sunnah” and “Dar' At-Ta’arud”, can be noticed by anyone who reads his writings.

Anyone who wishes to study the lengthy letters of Sheikh Al-Islam, must first read this large book in order to accumulate the knowledge that helps him understand the Sheikh’s words, thoughts, and terminology.

This is a summarized version of the original thesis, allowing you to retain the essential points.

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الأصول التى بنى عليها المبتدعة مذهبهم فى الصفات والرد عليها من كلام شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية
عبد القادر بن محمد عطا صوفي
دار الإمام مسلم
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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