At-Tahrir fi Bayan Ahkam at-Takfir - Shurut wa Dawabit wa Shubuhat

التحرير في بيان أحكام التكفير - عصام بن عبد الله السناني (تقديم الفوزان)


At-Tahreer fi Bayaan Ahkaam at-Takfeer – Shurut wa Dawaabit wa Shubuhaat (Explanation of the Rules of Takfeer: conditions, regulations and doubtful matters) - Issam ibn Abdullah Al-Sinani

This is a distinguished edition of this topic; its author, Dr. Essam ibn Abdullah Al-Sinani has initially recorded it in a memorandum through some of the scientific courses that he used to give. He then added some materials and modified some of them, until it became a revised and documented book with legal evidence about the fitnah of Takfeer that plagued many of the nation’s youth.

Its introduction by Sheikh Saleh ibn Fawzan Al-Fawzan - may Allah Almighty preserve him - has increased its value, as he enriched it with his valuable notes that you see scattered across the pages of the publication.

€25.00 (tax incl.)
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التحرير في بيان أحكام التكفير : شروط وضوابط وشبهات
عصام بن عبد الله السناني
مكتبة الإمام الذهبي
الشيخ صالح الفوزان
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Print Quality
Premium Quality
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At-Tahrir fi Bayan Ahkam at-Takfir - Shurut wa Dawabit wa Shubuhat