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Kitab al-'Ilm - Hafidh Abu Khaythamah (Tahqiq...

Ar Rihla fi Talabi al Hadith - Al Khattib Al...

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Risalat at-Tanbih ala al-Khata’ wal-Jahl wat-Tamwih (A Message of Warning about Error, Ignorance and Camouflage) - Abū ʿAmru ad-Dānī
This is a book written by al-Imam Al-Hafiz Abi Amru Othman Ibn Saeed ad-Dn (d. 444 AH) in which he answered questions received from the people of Ibn Ammar Al-Talmi Mosque, in the city of Dania in Andalusia. The book includes a response to the claims of the claimant of knowledge of the readings in issues related to recitation, alluding to Imam Aba Ammar Al-Mahdawi, may Allah have pity on him.
Dr. Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Dami studied the book, amended its content, commented on it, and authenticated its hadiths in three copies, one of which - which is the most accurate - is rare, with a notification to the many errors that occurred in the previous edition of the epistle.
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