Tahdhib al-Qiraat al-Ashra - Sajiqli Zadah

تهذيب القراءات العشر - الإمام محمد المرعشي ساجقلي زاده

An extremely comprehensive book written by a leading scholar in reading science and Tajwid, Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Mar'ashi, known as Sajiqli-Zada, from the 12th century of the Hegira year.

He also explains and compares the 10 readings, their rules, their differences, their stories, their terminologies, the kinds of reading, etc...
In the second part of the book he records surah by surah all the words for which there are different readings among the 10 Qiraat.

This very detailed work is complemented by the work of introductory research and annotations of the Muhaqqiq, himself a specialist in 10 readings.

Superb edition verified and annotated.

€25.00 (tax incl.)
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تهذيب القراءات العشر
الإمام محمد بن أبي بكر المرعشي ساجقلي زاده
دار الغوثاني
Checking and preparation
خالد عبد السلام بركات
خالد عبد السلام بركات
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Print Quality
Premium Quality
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