Al-Ayn wa al-Athar fi 'Aqa'id Ahl al-Athar - 'Abdel-Baqi al-Ba'li

العين والأثر في عقائد أهل الأثر عبد الباقي البعلي

The author said in his introduction: "Praise be to Allah Whose Existence is necessarily deduced in the admiration of His deeds. Allah is Free and Far Above, in His Being and His Attributes, from all analogues and examples. He created all that exists, and not an atom’s weight of it escapes His Knowledge. Glory be to Him Who cannot be perceived by illusion or be determined by imagination. Indeed, He is unlike anything that comes to one’s mind.

I praise Him, Glory be to Him, and thank Him, that He has guided us to His true religion, and removed all the ambiguities of deviation and delusion. I repent to Him and ask His Forgiveness from all errors and mistakes, and I asked Him for salvation on the Day when the mountains move away.

A friend of mine, whom I cannot disagree with, has asked me to compile a book that includes Three Principles.

The first one: is about all that is stipulated of the doctrines of the Hanbalis, according to Imam Ahmad, may Allah be pleased with him.

The second one: deals with the controversial issues disputed between the Hanbalis and the Ash’aris, with mention of the Hanbalis’ proofs for argument.

The third one: deals with the issue of scholastic theology, in which he mentioned what was narrated from Imam Ahmad, may Allah be pleased with him.

So I answered him to all those principles and named the book: Al-‘Ayn wa-al-Athar fī 'Aqā'id ahl al-Athar."

Very nice edition with a very neat and ornate layout. Verified from 7 manuscripts, the work of Sheikh AbdelBaqi al-Ba'li al-Hanbali is followed by his Mukhtasar, written by the author himself.

€14.90 (tax incl.)
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العين والأثر في عقائد أهل الأثر
الإمام عبد الباقي المواهبي الحنبلي
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Al-Ayn wa al-Athar fi 'Aqa'id Ahl al-Athar - 'Abdel-Baqi al-Ba'li