Majani at-Tullab - School dictionary (2 sizes)

Dictionary of opposites (Majaani al ADdaad)

Fasih al-Kalam - Muhammad ibn Ali al-Ghaznawi...

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Al-Mu'jam an-Nafaes Al-Asasi - Arabic...

Among the goals of Dar al-Nafa’is is to serve the Arabic language, and after publishing its two dictionaries, “Al-Kabir” and “Al-Wasit”, the publishing company feels proud to present “Mu’jam An-Nafa’is Al-Madrasi” directed to students of preparatory and secondary classes; it is characterized by the following:
Using only words and meanings of interest to the categories to which the dictionary is directed;
facilitating word search through clarity and commitment to methodology;
eliminating some of the material from the meanings that the students do not need and simplifying the explanations;
adopting Arabized words that are common among people; adopting the newly approved terms and new scientific terms sanctioned by the academies of the Arabic language;
accuracy in the use of punctuation marks;
make sure to mention the sources, especially the sources of the abstract treble verb;
inserting pictures of animals, plants and machines next to their names.
Thus, the material of this dictionary is suitable, in terms of its vocabulary, language and style, for the academic stages that students go through, and, hence, meets their needs.
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