Mukhtar as-Sihah by ar-Razi (arabic dictionnary)

Al-Mu'jam an-Nafaes Al-Asasi - Arabic...

Mu'jam an-Nafaes al-Madrasi - 1 volume, 850 pages

Encyclopedia of Arabic Dictionaries - Abdullah...

Fasih al-Kalam - Muhammad ibn Ali al-Ghaznawi...

This book is one of the greatest books of the Arab heritage and the most important with regard to the Arabic language. Its author Fairūzābādī was one of the great lexicographers to whom people referred in disputes. His book "Al-Qāmus al-Muḥīṭ", which means The Surrounding Ocean, was so famous to the extent that every lexicon was called Qamus.
Of those who compiled its interpretation was Al-Murtada Az-Zubaidi in his book Taj al-Arus; he arranged it according to the last letter of the Subject alphabetically, naming it “Chapter of…” and then according to the first letter of the Subject as Subchapters within this book. For example, the word “zayt” is found in the Chapter “T” Subchapter “Z” and so on.
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