Al-Jana ad-Dani fi Huruf al-Ma'ani - Al-Maradi...

Al-Usul Fi An-Nahw (The Principles of Grammar)...

The Formation of the Linguistic Faculty -...

My copybook of the Arabic alphabet

Dictionary of Arabic Grammar (with charts and...

“Wahy al-Qalam” book is a literary work written by Mostafa Saadeq Al-Rafe'ie, and is one of the most beautiful books written by the author. The book is composed of three parts, which are a collection of critical and constructive articles inspired by the contemporary social life and Islamic stories and history.
This kind of book is very important to perfect our level of Arabiclanguage, because the great writers use the figures of style and the most advanced techniques of the Arabic language, something that one can not reach in the reading of the technical books of Fiqh or Aqida.
In an article by Professor Wael Hafez Khalaf, published in Majallat al-Mujtama' al-Kuwaitiyyah, on the anniversary of the death of Al-Rafe'ie, entitled: (Al-Rafe'ie is the source of literature and the authority in Arabic language).
Shaykh Mohammed Rashid Rida described him as: “The most wonderful writer, the prolific poet and author, a man of great taste and accurate understanding, the diver on the jewels of meanings.”
Al-Muhaddith Ahmed Shakir described him as: “The Imam of writers in this era and the authority in Arabic language”.
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