Al-Majmu' ath-Thamin fi Sirah an-Nabi ﷺ al-Amin (3 Risalah)
المجموع الثمين في سيرة النبي الأمين - دار الإمام البخاري
This collection gathers 3 Risalah on the theme of Prophetic Biography by three great Imams:
1. Al-Jāmi` fī al-Sunan wa al-Ādāb wa al-Ḥukm wa al-Maghāzī wa al-Tārīkh (The Comprehensive Collection of Sunnah, Etiquettes, Rulings, Military Expeditions, and History) de l'Imam Abi Muhammad al-Qayrawani (386H).
2. Mukhtaṣar Sīrat al-Nabī ṣallā Allāhu alayhi wa sallam wa Sīrat Aṣḥābihi al-Asharah (Abridged Biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Biography of his Ten Companions) de l'Imam Abdelghani al-Maqdisi (600H).
3. Al-Durar fī Ikhtiṣār al-Maghāzī wa al-Siyar (The Pearls in Abridging Military Expeditions and Biographies) de l'Imam Ibn Abd el-Barr (463H).
Very nice verified and authenticated edition, with most of the Harakats.
Data sheet
- Title
- المجموع الثمين في سيرة النبي الأمين
- Pages
- 776
- Edition
- دار الإمام البخاري
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Part
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality
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