He who inspired the world (the Prophet...

Kitaab an-Nubuwaat - Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah

The Ijma' of the Ulama concerning the Prophet...

Al-Intisaar lin-Nabiy Al-Mukhtaar - Sulaiman Al...

The Sealed Nectar - Ar-Raheeq al-Makhtoom -...

The Prophetic Biography in Light of Authentic Sources by Mahdi Rizqallah Ahmad.
This book is among the best contemporary works of Sirah. The author aimed to write a biography of the Prophet relying only on authentic narrations (sahih and hasan) while avoiding all weak narrations. He succeeded remarkably in this endeavor. The book has won several awards, has been translated into multiple languages, is taught in institutes and colleges, and has gone through multiple printings.
The book presents the Prophetic biography in a narrative style following the methodology of hadith scholars, supported by references from books of history, biographical accounts, military expeditions and biographies. The book is divided into two parts: the Meccan period and the Medinan period. The author also responds to some criticisms by orientalists and touches upon various benefits related to Fiqh, Aqidah, and education.
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