Al-Loo'Loo al-Maknoon - Authentic Prophetic...

The Ijma' of the Ulama concerning the Prophet...

Al-Majmu' ath-Thamin fi Sirah an-Nabi ﷺ al-Amin...

Nadhrat un-Na'im Fi Makarim Akhlaq ar-Rasul...

Mukhtasar Sirat in-Nabi wa AsHabih il-'Ashra -...

As-Seerah an-Nabawiyah (Biography of the Prophet) by Ali Muhammad Sallabi.
In this biography book of the Prophet, may Allah’s Peace and Blessing be upon him, Dr. Ali Muhammad Al-Sallabi discusses the events prior to the Prophet’s mission; namely the prevailing civilizations, the political, economic, social, and moral conditions at the time of the mission, the important events before the birth of the Prophet, the sending of divine revelation, the stages of da’wah, the conceptual, moral, and devotional foundation in the Meccan era, the methods of the polytheists in fighting da’wah, the migration to Abyssinia, the tribulation in the city of at-Taif, the blessing of the Isra and Mi’raj (Prophet’s nocturnal journey), the round visit to the tribes, the caravans of goodwill, the welcome of the people of Yathrib for the Prophet’s migration, the Battles of Badr, Uhud, al-Ahzab and Banu al-Nadir, the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, and the invasion of Tabuk. The author explains the lessons learned in those battles, bearing in mind Allah’s Laws, governing both victory and defeat...
A huge work, over 1200 pages, with sources in footnotes.
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