Atlas al-Quran: Places and People mentioned in the Quran
أطلس القرآن - أماكن أقوام أعلام - د. شوقي أبو خليل
Full-color Atlas, tracing with photos, diagrams and maps the places and people mentioned in the Holy Quran.
This book helps the reader of the Qur’an to identify the places mentioned in the Noble Verses and locations of the peoples upon whom the Qur’an was revealed. It also identifies the locations in which the events of the Prophet’s biography took place. Thus, the reader easily recognizes the extent of the geographical area in the Holy Qur’an.
The book illustrates some vague places to which we do not normally pay attention, such as the landing place of Noah's Ark, the place of Al-Ahqaf, the Cave of the Faithful Youth, the homes of Madian, the site of Sodom... and other important places that the atlas identifies accurately, based on the correct references. Thus, the atlas removes illusion and guesswork, and places the reader in front of the specified location.
The author, Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil is a historian specializing in the subject, who wrote many books including Atlas very well designed and recognized as this one, which gives a much more tangible places and history.
New edition, large size A4.
Data sheet
- Title
- أطلس القرآن - أماكن أقوام أعلام
- Author
- د. شوقي أبو خليل
- Pages
- 248
- Edition
- دار الفكر
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 20x28cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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