Rawdatul-Anwar fi Sirati Nabi al-Mukhtar -...

At-Ta'liq 'ala Nur al-Yaqin fi Sirah - Shaykh...

Al-Akhbar fi Wafah al-Mukhtar - Hafidh Ibn...

al-Fusul fi Sirat ar-Rasul - ibn Kathir

Mukhtasar Sirat in-Nabi wa AsHabih il-'Ashra -...

This book discusses the statements and arguments of the majority of scholars on various issues related to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as well as the opinions of those who disagreed with the majority and the arguments they presented. The book includes statements attributed to Qadi Iyad, Ibn Abd al-Barr, al-Qurtubi, an-Nawawi, Ibn Rajab, Ibn Hajar, ash-Shawkani, and others. It presents the evidence for the majority opinion, then the dissenting opinion, followed by the preferred conclusion on the matter. The evidence is cited with their sources, along with the authentication of hadiths and reports and the explanation of obscure terms.
The book is divided into nine chapters, each containing several sections that focus on the biography of the Prophet, peace be upon him, his battles, marriages, pilgrimage, and so on.
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