Nihayat al-Sul fī Khasa'is al-Rasul ﷺ - Imam Ibn Dihya al-Kalbi (632H)
نهاية السول في خصائص الرسول ﷺ - ابن دحية الكلبي
The book "Nihāyat al-Sūl fī Khasa'is al-Rasūl" by Imam Ibn Dihya al-Kalbi is a comprehensive encyclopedia on the characteristics and biography of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
The book brings together many hadiths and narrations that describe the physical and moral characteristics of the Prophet, and highlights his unique prophetic qualities that made him a role model and a good example for all humanity.
The book details the description of the features of the Noble Prophet, from the color of his skin, hair and eyes to his appearance and clothing. It also deals with his moral qualities, such as his gentleness, generosity, honesty, humility, courage, and other good qualities. In addition to that, the book reviews the miracles of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and shows the extent of their impact in spreading Islam and establishing its pillars.
Gorgeous edition, with most of the Harakats.
Data sheet
- Title
- نهاية السول في خصائص الرسول ﷺ
- Author
- ابن دحية الكلبي
- Pages
- 479
- Edition
- دار الإمام البخاري
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality
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