Minhaj al-Qasidin fi Fadl al-Khulafaa...

Biography of 'Umar ibn 'Abdelaziz (Khalifah)

Al-Mukhtaar min Manaaqib al-Akhyaar - Ibn...

Abu Hanifah (Sirah A-immah al-Madhahib al-Arba'ah)

Biography of Zayd ibn Thabit (Sahabi)

This is a detailed historical and comprehensive educational resource, with a scientific methodology and in-depth research that is indispensable for any researcher seeking to know the facts about the father of the prophets, Ibrahim (peace be upon him).
The book explores the upbringing of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), his era, his migrations, his dialogues, his debates with his people, and his trials, such as being thrown into the fire and the sacrifice of his son. It does so through accurate information derived from the Holy Quran, the Prophetic traditions, and reliable historical works.
The study also clarifies the characteristics, virtues, and attributes of Prophet Ibrahim, while presenting the lessons and morals learned, which carry insights and illuminations in affirming the doctrine of monotheism. Thus, this work is an enlighten biography of a noble prophet, and a presentation of his life journey, in a book that chronicles the father of the prophets in a style that aligns with sound taste and expressive writing.
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