At-Tamhid (sharh al-Muwatta) by Imam ibn...

Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik

Kitab al-Qabas fi Sharh Muwatta Malik ibn Anas...

Al-Muwatta bi Riwayah Muhammad ash-Shaybani...

Sunan ad-Daarimee (harakat)

Beautiful edition, sure and verified, with chain of transmission going up to Imam Dar al-Hijrah, Malik ibn Anas. This is very important because the science of Hadith is a science of transmission, and this edition comes from this methodology.
This is the Muwatta according to the version reported by Imam az-Zuhri. This is very important because the most widespread version is that of al-Laythi, who transmitted one of the earliest versions of the Mowatta, as he did not followed Imam Malik until his death. This is not the case of az-Zuhri who, for his part, received the last revised version by Imam Malik of the Muwatta, and what could be called the final and thus more complete version of that of al-Laythi.
Available in 2 very good edition: Dar at Taaseel and Risalah al-'Alamiyyah (Tahqiq Bashar Mar'uf).
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