So who created Allah? - Dr. Sami 'Amiri

فمن خلق الله ؟ - د. سامي عامري

This book invites you to navigate with the author in tackling the misconception of “…who created?”, and its philosophical and scientific supports, rooted in the writings of the leaders of atheism, so that you know the contradictions of the proofs of atheism, the inconsistency of the leaders of atheism, and that atheism is devoid of any positive evidence that can establish the crookedness of its objection.

However, the journey does not end with the refutation of this misconception, but rather it increases your certainty that the universe’s need for a Creator is rooted in the land of philosophical certainty and scientific discovery, and that acknowledging the existence of a Creator is surrender to the facts of reason and the proofs of science.

It exposes the falsehood of atheism and reveals through the abundant testimonies of cosmologists that science has disbelieved in atheism and sent it to the grave in the sanctuary of material existence, which speaks of monotheism aloud and whispering.

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فمن خلق الله؟
د. سامي عامري
تكوين للدراسات والأبحاث
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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So who created Allah? - Dr. Sami 'Amiri