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Rich and complete book on da'wah salafiyyah, its reality, its foundations, which opposes it. The book has also been prefaced by Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiri and Shaykh Salih as-Suhaymi (see description).
The main thrusts developed in this book, may Allah reward the author:
- The basics and fundamentals of da'wah salafiyyah
- The purification and education is a foundation of da'wah
- The salafiyyah to disclaims the hizbiya
- The Salafees and the 'ulema
- The bid'ah is a bad influence among Muslims
- About some new manhaj
- The Salafi Minhaj and the fitna of new-Khawaarij
- Al- Murji-a
- The da'wah salafiyyah and jihad fi Sabilillah (particularly in Iraq at the time)
So you see, a very complete book.
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