Badaa'i at-Tafsir - Tafseer Ibnul-Qayyim (3...

Umdat ut-Tafseer (Summary of Tafsir Ibn Kathir)...

I'rab al-Quran al-Karim - Full I'rab (modern)...

Tafsir al-Qur'an bil-Qur'an min Adwae al-Bayan...

A meditative journey through the Quran - Dr...

Huge job and huge profit for Muslims! The author of this book "The Encyclopedia of the School of Makkah in the Tafseer" gathered all the words of the greatest Sahaba and Tabi'in of Makkah on Tafseer, into 8 large volumes. According to the words of ibn Taymiyyah: "the most scholars of Tafseer People are People of Mecca, as they are the companions of Ibn 'Abbas : as Mujahid,' Ata ',' Ikrimah, Taawoos, Sa'id ibn Jubayr and others ... ".
The author has mentioned all the words in the Tafseer of Ibn Abbas (Vol. 1-3), Mujahid (Volume 4 and 5), Sa'id ibn Jubayr (Volume 6), 'Ata' ibn Rabah and 'Ikrimah (Volume 7) and finally Taawoos (Volume 8).
For each Imam, the author quotes his words in order of Quran and gives to each of them their full references to sometimes include other ways (asanid) of Athar.
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