Al-Qu'ran, Taddabur wa 'Amal - (2 sizes)

Zaad al-Maseer fi 'ilm at-Tafseer - Ibn al-Jawzi

I'rab al-Quran al-Karim - Full I'rab (modern)...

Al-Wajiz fi Tafsir al-Kitab al-'Aziz - Imam...

Tafseer Shaykh al-Islaam ibn Taymiyyah

A major Tafsir although less known, written by a Maliki Imam of Andalusia, Abu Hayyan (654-745H).
His Tafsir excels in grammatical explanations and details about Balaghah. Indeed he was a great specialist in the Arabic language, moreover he was inspired by two other Tafsir focused on this theme, the Tafsir of Zamakhshari and Ibn 'Atiyyah.
It explains the words, their I'rab, their meaning, the linguistic and literary range of the sentence, the Balaghah forms used, it also deals with the variations of the different readings and their rules in Arabic language. Finally it also explains the causes of revelation as well as the legal rules of the verses.
Superb edition in 22 volumes, verified and annotated, and the last volume contains search indexes.
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