Tafsir ath-Thamin lil 'Allamah al-'Uthaymin (11...

Tafsir al-Baghawy (Ma'alim at-Tanzil)

Tafsir al-Qurtubi - Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Quran

A meditative journey through the Quran - Dr...

Tafsir Ibn 'Atiyyah : Al-Muharrar al-Wajiz fi...

The Tafsir of Imam ibn 'Arafah, the great Imam Maliki of his time, in the most complete edition.
Indeed, the Imam did not leave a Tafsir properly speaking like other Imams, but he did, of course, teach his students about the Tafseer of the Qur'an. The greatest transmitter of Tafsir of ibn 'Arafa is his pupil ibn Umar al-Wachtati al-Ubi.
This Tafsir as presented here is the result of several university researches that have succeeded each other to complete the work previously done. Thus the first two volumes are essentially the Tafsir of the Imam, and the last three are composed of the words of the Imam, according to several sources of different students, and also other Mufassir Maliki like ibn 'Atiyah for example, in order to complete the Tafsir until Surat an-Nass.
This allows the reader to enjoy a complete Tafsir, according to the madhhab of the original author (Maliki - Ashari), on almost the entire Quran.
The Muhaqqiq did a precise job from the available manuscripts and provided important and complementary annotations.
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