Mu'in al-Hukkam - At-Tarabulusi ('Ilm al-Qadha)

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At-Tabsirah is a book on preaching, written by Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Jawzi (508-597). It is considered one of the most comprehensive books of Ibn al-Jawzi in the science of preaching; he was indeed the famous author of many books on preaching, guidance and softening of the hearts.
Ibn al-Jawzi has divided this book into nine Sections that include many Chapters, discussing aspects of Faith, legislation, morals and ethics, stories and biographies.
It is the most complete book on the science of preaching, written by Imam al-Hafiz Abd al-Rahman Ibn al-Jawzi in response to some fanatics who were spreading fear and calling to renounce worldly life.
In this book, Ibn al-Jawzi has touched on the doctrine of Monotheism, the pillars of Islam, its morals, etiquette, and its organization of relationships, and most importantly, he extracted the evidence from the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah.
Very good print, checked from 7 manuscripts, with some notes on places and persons cited in the book.
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