Tabsirah al-Hukkam fi Usul al-Aqdhiyyah - Ibn Farhun (799H)
تبصرة الحكام في أصول الأقضية ومناهج الأحكام - ابن فرحون المالكي
Tabsirat Al-Hukkam fi Usul Al-Aqdiah wa Manaahij Al-Ahkaam (The Rulers’ insight into the principles of the judgments and the methods of rulings) by Ibn Farḥūn al-Maliki. This is a book on Islamic jurisprudence, specialized in judicial science. It is one of the most important and comprehensive books in its field
In the first chapters of the book, the author has mentioned aspects of the judiciary, its principles, methods and related matters such as testimonies, acknowledgments, and so on. Then he mentioned examples of various issues that could be addressed to judges and what is their ruling and the statements of scholars and opinions of different Islamic Schools of thought.
Excellent edition, verified from 5 manuscripts, with most of the Harakats and some useful annotations on some terms and on the Hadith mentioned.
Data sheet
- Title
- تبصرة الحكام في أصول الأقضية ومناهج الأحكام
- Author
- ابن فرحون المالكي
- Volumes
- 3
- Pages
- 2013
- Edition
- دار القلم
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- د. عثمان ضميرية
- Volumes
- 3
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
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