Usus Manhaj as-Salaf fi ad-Da'wah ila Allah - Fawaz as-Suhaymi
أسس منهج السلف في الدعوة إلى الله - فواز بن هليل السحيمي
The research focuses on explaining the methodology of the Salaf and its foundations in the call to Allah, by presenting its necessary regulations, which relate to the person calling to it, the people invited to it and the methodology they are invited to. Additionally, the context requires explaining the means and objectives of the Salafi path, while in the meantime exposing the defect in many of the preaching ideas that contradict the approach of the righteous predecessors, may Allah be pleased with them.
This research consists of a preface and three chapters, which are:
The first chapter: The Guidelines and Regulations of the Salaf Methodology in the Call to Allah,
The second chapter: The means of the Salaf Methodology in calling to Allah,
The third chapter: The Characteristics of the Salaf Methodology in Calling to Allah and its Objectives.
Four scholars prefaced this book: Sheikh Salih al-Fawzan, Sheikh Ubayd al-Jabiri, Sheikh Ali al-Huzayfi, Sheikh Salih al-Hadithi.
Data sheet
- Title
- أسس منهج السلف في الدعوة إلى الله
- Author
- فواز بن هليل السحيمي
- Pages
- 200
- Edition
- دار ابن عفان
- Cover
- Hard
- Preface
- الشيخ صالح الفوزان و الشيخ عبيد الجابري و الشيخ علي الخذيفي و الشيخ صالح الحديثي
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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