Al-Mirqah Sharh Muqaddimah as-Salat - Salah Abu...

Biography of Abu Hanifa and his disciples :...

Takhrij Ahadith al-Bazdawi - Hafidh Qasim ibn...

Custom and its impact on legal application in...

Al-Ghaayah fi Sharh Al-Hidaayah - Al-Saruji...

When the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sought a definitive legal text for his empire, he commissioned the scholar Ibrahim al-Halabi to create Moultaqa al-Abhur. Al-Halabi masterfully combined four foundational texts of Hanafi jurisprudence into this enduring work, which continues to shape Hanafi legal studies today.
This edition presents Moultaqa al-Abhur alongside the esteemed commentary of Ala ad-Din al-Haskafi (d. 1088 AH), who held the prestigious position of Mufti of Damascus during his lifetime. Scholar Omar Aysham Nusrat at-Turkmani meticulously edited this work, drawing on four distinct manuscripts to ensure accuracy and completeness.
Beautiful edition with most of the Harakat.
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