Manhaj al-Imam ash-Shafi'i fi Ithbat al-Aqida

Manhaj al-Imam Malik fi Ithbat al-Aqida

Al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Abu Hanifa

Aqeedah of the 4 Imams (Abu Hanifa, Malik,...

Al-Majallah - Fiqh al-Mu'amalat fi al-Madhhab...

Superb doctoral thesis (obtained with the greatest distinction at the University of Imam Sa'ud - Riadh), which develops and discusses the Aqeedah (Tawheed, Asma wa Sifat, Iman, Tawassul) in Imam Abu Hanifa. This book is doubly beneficial because it establishes the belief of the Salaf in general and that of Imam Abu Hanifa in particular, which is consistent with the other 3 imams on the vast majority of points of Aqeedah, except on a few points as the definition of faith, for example.
Research that benefits all, who contribute to well know this great Imam of the Sunnah that is Abu Hanifa, but also that refute the Sufi, Ash'ari and Murji extremists who claim him rahimahu Llahu ta'ala.
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