Al-'Inayah bi Adillah al-Kifayah 'ala Mu'tamad fi Madhhab al-Imam Ahmad
العناية بأدلة الكفاية على المعتمد في مذهب الإمام أحمد -أ.د. عبدالله الزاحم
This book explains and gives the proofs of the author's book, al-Kifayah 'ala al-Mu'tamad fi Madhhab al-Imam Ahmad. He wrote his book based on several classics of the Madhhab.
Although it is an explanation, the book can be read as a Fiqh manual, not a commentary on a Matn. The style is adapted to our times, and the author wanted to write a contemporary Fiqh Hanbali book, based on the proven and preponderant opinions of the Hanbali school, focusing on the most read and useful chapters for the Muslim in his worship.
He therefore delivers his explanation of the first 7 chapters: At-Tahara, as-Salat, al-Janaiz, az-Zakat, as-Siyam, al-Hajj wa al-Umrah and the Jihed.
Very nice edition in 2 large volumes, some of the Harakat.
Data sheet
- Title
- العناية بأدلة الكفاية على المعتمد في مذهب الإمالم أحمد بن حنبل
- Author
- عبدالله بن إبراهيم الزاحم
- Volumes
- 2
- Pages
- 1663
- Edition
- دار الناشر المتميز
- Cover
- Hard
- Volumes
- 2
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Part
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