Dalil at-Talib li Nayl al-Matalib - Al-'Allamah...

Dalil at-Talib li Nayl al-Matalib (annotations...

Al-Manhaj as-Sahih bayna ma fil Muqni'...

Al-Jam' al-Bahi li Mandhumat al-Fiqh al-Hanbali

Al-Fawakih al-'Adidah fil Masa-il al-Mufidah -...

In his writing, he - may Allah protect him - adopted the following approach:
- To explain the author’s statement.
- To explain the evidence or the commentary upon which the author based his statement.
- If there is a common disagreement on an issue, or that the outweighing opinion is different from what the author has mentioned, then one should mention the opinions of the jurists on the issue, the evidence of each statement, and analyze them, before emphasizing the preferred opinion among them.
- To carefully consider the evidence from the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the narrations from the Companions and the Successors, and that the outweighing of one opinion over others should be based on the requirements of the evidence, while also referring to the choices of the most prominent scholars.
- To thoroughly explain the category of Hadiths following the method of al-Muhaddithin (Transmitters and Interpreters of Hadith), and the reasons they have mentioned, and also clarify their rulings on the Hadiths, whether authentic or weak.
- To list the major contemporary crises and issues, depicting them, and explaining the Islamic ruling on them, with reference to the opinions of the most prominent jurisprudential academies and scientific bodies.
- To carefully link the interpretation with three sciences, which are essential for anyone seeking Islamic knowledge, namely: Al-Fiqh, the principles of Al-Fiqh and the Science of Hadith. In this method, a jurisprudence issue is mentioned along with the scholars’ opinions about them, including the rules of the fundamentalist issues associated with them, and traditions reported on the matter.
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