' Umdat ul-Fiqh by Ibn Qudaama al-Maqdissi...

Al-Idah fi al-Fiqh al-Hanbali - Abu al-Farj...

Zad al-Musafir fi Fiqh 'ala Madhhab al-Imam...

Jam' al-Rahiq al-Mushbi' min Riyad ar-Rawd...

Sharh al-Muqni' by Imam Baha ad-Din al-Maqdissi...

This is a distinguished and significant book by the judge Abu Ya'la al-Farra on the topic of high-level disagreements, meaning disagreements among the imams. Unfortunately, the complete text of this book was not found; only scattered manuscript fragments were discovered. It was initially printed in three volumes, covering the topics of seclusion (i'tikaf), pilgrimage (hajj), and some aspects of sales transactions.
Recently, the researcher, Dr. Muhammad bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz al-Fareh, found another manuscript containing an additional section on prayer. He added the newfound material and recompiled the book into four volumes.
Abu Ya'la approaches each issue by mentioning Imam Ahmad's opinion, then discussing the views of other imams. He presents evidence, responds to objections, and cites the opinions of the Companions and other proofs, before advocating for the Imam Ahmad's opinion over that of other schools and scholars.
Beautiful Saudi edition in 2 volumes.
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