Al-Manhaj as-Sahih bayna ma fil Muqni'...

Al-Hawashi at-Tibbiyyah ala al-Mutun...

Tanqih at-Tahqiq fi Ahadith at-Ta'liq - Ibn...

Al-Kafi fi Fiqh al-Imam Ahmad - Ibn Qudamah...

Al-Bayan al-Mumti' fi Takhrij Ahaadith ar-Rawd...

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahid al-Azhari al-Hanbali compiled dozens of explanations and commentaries on the text of "Rawd al-Murbi'" to present a comprehensive and thorough explanation. He not only collected the explanations but also compared, authenticated, and scrutinized their texts to provide the reader with a documented and reliable explanation. Rawd al-Murbi' (presented in the last 2 volumes) was meticulously verified based on 13 rare manuscripts.
Sheikh al-Azhari was keen to adhere to the Hanbali school of thought in his explanation, so he did not deviate from the fundamentals and rules of the school and relied on the opinions of respected Hanbali Imams.
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