Ad-Dalail wa al-Isharat 'ala Akhsar...

' Umdat ul-Fiqh by Ibn Qudaama al-Maqdissi...

Al-Mughni of ibn Qudama al-Maqdissi

Dalil at-Talib li Nayl al-Matalib (annotations...

Al-Jam' al-Bahi li Mandhumat al-Fiqh al-Hanbali

This is a collection of comprehensive questions and systematic answers to all issues of the book “Akhsar al-Mukhtasarât”, written by Dr. Amir Bahjat. He has arranged them based on every jurisprudential chapter of the book, revised the answers of the two Sheikhs Mishaal Ash-Shammari and Muhammad Ash-Shammari and prepared them for publication in a simplified format, ready for learning and teaching by students of knowledge, and beneficial to those who want to review or study the book.
The book “Akhsar al-Mukhtasarât” is about the Islamic jurisprudence according to the doctrine of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, may Allah have mercy on him; and it is one of the texts adopted by the later Hanbali Scholars.
Superb Saudi edition, prefaced by Sheikh Khalid al-Mushiqih and Sheikh Moutlaq al-Jasir.
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