Topics of Aqeedah in which diverged some scholars Hanbali

المسائل العقدية التي خالف فيها بعض فقهاء الحنابلة إمام المذهب

Here is a Magisterium thesis entitled: Issues of Aqeedah in which diverged some of Jurists Hanbali with the Imam of Madhhab (ie Imam Ahmad).

In fact, the majority of Fuqaha Hanabila was on the Aqeedah Saheehah, and this book classifies errors by subject according to the books of Fiqh and chapters related thereto and cites the divergent positions and that of the madhhab and the one of Imam Ahmad and of course give the evidence. Examples of topics: The Names and Attributes of Allah, invocations in groups, praying in churches, Tawassul, construction on the graves, reading the Qur'an for the dead, sticking and Tawaf among tombs, visit the grave of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, swear by his name, visit the graves for women ...

This book is useful for all because most topics are errors in which many scholars have fallen among other mathaahib, and it is therefore important to know.

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المسائل العقدية التي خالف فيها بعض فقهاء الحنابلة إمام المذهب
د. حمود بن إبراهيم السلامة
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Topics of Aqeedah in which diverged some scholars Hanbali