Al-Mukhtasar as-Sagheer li Ibn AbdelHakam (Khilaafiyaat fil-Fiqh)

المختصر الصغير لابن عبد الحكم ـ خلافيات في الفقه

The Mukhtasar as-Saghir, here, written by the Imam ibn Abd el Hakam Maliki (214h) is a treatise on comparative Fiqh. The author leaves a remarkable work by quoting for each chapter and issue of Fiqh, the opinion of his school (Maliki), and he cites the opinion of Abu Hanifa and ash-Shafi'i and Ahmad, without taking part.

Publishing is an academic research in which the author has released the text of the manuscript and for each opinion cited by the imam, he reports references according to madhahib, and on some issues he cites their arguments and discusses the opinion predominant. It also explains the difficult and technical terms and gives the biography of the persons mentioned.

€16.00 (tax incl.)
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المختصر الصغير لابن عبد الحكم ـ خلافيات في الفقه
الإمام أبو محمد عبد الله بن عبد الحكم المصري المالكي رواية أبي عبد الله البرقي
دار ابن عفان
Checking and preparation
عمر علي أبي بكر زاريا
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Print Quality
Good Quality Print
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