Hashiyyah ad-Dusuqi 'ala ash-Sharh al-Kabir (Fiqh Maliki)

حاشية العلامة الدسوقي على الشرح الكبير للإمام الدردير

This book is an absolute reference in Maliki Fiqh. This is a footnote by Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Ibn ‘Arafa Ad-Dusuqi Al-Maliki (died 1230 AH), called “Hashiyat ad-Dasuqi ‘ala ash-Sharh al-Kabir” (Marginal notes on Dardir's expounding of Khalil's Mukhtasar book). In this book, Sheikh Ad-Dasuqi clarified its words, deciphered its phrases, and added some important notes, quoting from the books of the Maliki branches of Jurisprudence; he also added some legal evidence, and mentioned the opinions of the Maliki School jurists. 

There are statements made by Sheikh Muhammad Alish in the footnotes of the aforementioned marginal notes.

This new beautiful edition in 15 volumes come with a new augmented Tahqiq of the text and useful annotations. This print is praised by 4 Maliki scholars.

€329.00 (tax incl.)
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حاشية العلامة الدسوقي على الشرح الكبير للإمام الدردير ومعها تقريرات العلامة عِلِيش
العلامة الدسوقي
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Hashiyyah ad-Dusuqi 'ala ash-Sharh al-Kabir (Fiqh Maliki)