Hidayat al-Tullab fil-Fiqh al-Maliki - Sheikh Sidi Al-Mukhtar Al-Kunti

هداية الطلاب في الفقه المالكي - الشيخ سيدي المختار الكنتي

Hidayat At-Tulaab fi al-Fiqhi al-Malki: (Guidance of students in Maliki jurisprudence) is a summary that explains to the students the branching of the issues of Imam Malik’s school of thought. The author “Has followed Khalil's method in abbreviation and brevity, by using the easiest style, the most beautiful phrase, and the clearest statement.”

The book has tackled most of the chapters and sections of jurisprudence that the earlier scholars had used to deal with, even those that are no longer urgently needed in this era, such as manumission, correspondence, the maintenance of the kings, and rules regarding Umm al-Walad (slave-girl who has borne her master's baby boy). But the book has also tackled other chapters and sections of jurisprudence that matter a lot to us today, whether in dealings or in acts of worship, such as selling with its chapters (a corrupt contract, Islamic banking, dealing with building and trees, loan, mortgage, fines and bankruptcy....), as well as some chapters related to etiquette, piety, and repentance that the author has chosen as a conclusion to his valuable book, which he began with acts of worship as usual.

What distinguishes ‘Hidayat At-Tulaab’ from ‘Khalil’s Mukhtasar’ (Khalil’s Abbreviation), despite its replication in the same way, is that he has corrected some of the mistakes of the Mukhtasar in many of its issues, added others which Khalil did not examine, and linked the branches to their origins, all of this in an easy style, beautiful phrases, and a clear statement.

€16.00 (tax incl.) €20.00
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هداية الطلاب في الفقه المالكي
الشيخ سيدي المختار الكنتي
دار ابن حزم
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Hidayat al-Tullab fil-Fiqh al-Maliki - Sheikh Sidi Al-Mukhtar Al-Kunti