Lawami' al-Durar fi Hatk Astar al-Mukhtasar - al-Majlisi ash-Shinqiti

لوامع الدرر في هتك أستار المختصر - محمد المجلسي الشنقيطي

Lawāmiʻ al-durar fī hatk astār al-Mukhtaṣar - Muḥammad al-Majlisi ash-Shinqiṭi

This book, written by the great scholar Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Salem Al-Majlisi Ash-Shinqiti Al-Maliki (1206-1302 AH), is considered the largest and most comprehensive explanation of Mukhtasar of Sheikh Khalil in terms of its size and on issues of jurisprudence and its branches, and it is one of the most extensive books written in the doctrine of Imam Malik.

The book is also distinguished by its length, scrutinising, abundance of quotations, and a multiplicity of references, so that its author wanted it to be: “one that dispenses with all books and no one else can dispense with it.”

Therefore, the author makes mention of every little detail, and refers to the various branches and different sayings from everything related to the topic, then unleashes his imagination, comparing, weighing, and criticising with insight. He always discusses issues raised by the scholars who preceded him and expresses his opinion in many places, deducing, modifying and redressing. Despite his piety and proven character, his scientific personality was always present in what he wrote, which is a rare thing in the scholars of his time.

In short, this book is one of the most comprehensive explanations of Mukhtasar of Sheikh Khalil, and the most complete on issues of jurisprudence. In it the author has tackled all the issues that Khalil referred to in Mukhtasar, explicitly or implicitly, with elaborate editing of its texts, so the style appears easy and smooth. The book is so detailed, authentic, and clear that it dispenses with all other books of jurisprudence of its time, and no one else can do without it.

Egyptian edition in 14 volumes.
إبداع - دار ابن الجوزي القاهرة
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Print Quality
Budget Print (good quality)
€259.00 (tax incl.)
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Data sheet

لوامع الدرر في هتك أستار المختصر
محمد المجلسي الشنقيطي
إبداع - دار ابن الجوزي القاهرة
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Print Quality
Budget Print (good quality)

Editions available

Lawami' al-Durar fi Hatk Astar al-Mukhtasar - al-Majlisi ash-Shinqiti - لوامع الدرر في هتك أستار المختصر - محمد المجلسي الشنقيطي

Edition Edition 1

Egyptian edition in 14 volumes.
Lawami' al-Durar fi Hatk Astar al-Mukhtasar - al-Majlisi ash-Shinqiti - لوامع الدرر في هتك أستار المختصر - محمد المجلسي الشنقيطي

Edition Edition 2

Superb quality edition, published by a serious Mauritanian publisher, in 15 volumes.
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Lawami' al-Durar fi Hatk Astar al-Mukhtasar - al-Majlisi ash-Shinqiti - لوامع الدرر في هتك أستار المختصر - محمد المجلسي الشنقيطي

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Egyptian edition in 14 volumes.
Lawami' al-Durar fi Hatk Astar al-Mukhtasar - al-Majlisi ash-Shinqiti - لوامع الدرر في هتك أستار المختصر - محمد المجلسي الشنقيطي

Edition Edition 2

Superb quality edition, published by a serious Mauritanian publisher, in 15 volumes.
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Lawami' al-Durar fi Hatk Astar al-Mukhtasar - al-Majlisi ash-Shinqiti