Al-Fatawah al-Hadithiyyah - Ibn Hajar al-Haytami

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This a valuable collection of Fatawa for the modern Shafii student, a solid summary that included many jurisprudential notes, regulations, and benefits, by the scholar and Mufti of Hadhramawt: Sayyid Abdull-Rahman ibn Muhammad al-Mashhur Ba’Alawi Al-Hadrami, may Allah have mercy on him.
He summarised a compilation of the fatwas of some eminent and venerable scholars, who are reliable in their wording and their reference to both the rational and divine text sources, and returned each misplaced issue back to its assumed time sequence. The eminent imams are:
- The great Imam: Sayyid Abdullah Ibn Hussein Belfaqih Ba’Alawi Al-Hadrami.
- The Imam and Examiner: Sayyid Abdullah Ibn Omar Ibn Yahya Ba’alawi al-Hadrami.
- The Imam and Jurist: Sayyid Alawi Ibn Saqqaf Al-Jafri Ba’Alawi Al-Hadrami.
- The Imam and Examiner, the student of Ibn Hajar: Jamal al-Din Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr al-Ashkhar.
- And the Imam and Examiner, the Mufti of Madinah: Muhammad Ibn Suleyman Al-Kurdi Al-Madani.
Another great work published by Dar al-Minhaj Jeddah in the Shafii Fiqh.
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