Hashiyat al-Qalyubi 'ala Sharh Ibn Qasim al-Ghazi 'ala Matn Abi Shuja

حاشية القليوبي على شرح ابن قاسم الغزي علي متن أبي شجاع

The book "Hashiyat al-Qalyubi 'ala Sharh Ibn Qasim al-Ghazzi 'ala Matn Abi Shuja'" is one of the important jurisprudential books in Shafi'i fiqh. The text "Abi Shuja'" is considered one of the fundamental texts in Shafi'i fiqh, and its explanations and commentaries complement each other to explain the jurisprudential rulings in an extensive manner.

Components of the book:

- Hashiyah (Marginal Notes): Hashiyah is an extensive commentary on another scholar's explanation. In this book, the Hashiyah is authored by Sheikh Ahmad al-Qalyubi.

- Sharh (Explanation): Sharh is the interpretation and explanation of the original text (Matn Abi Shuja'), which was done by Sheikh Ahmad ibn Qasim al-Ghazzi.

- Matn (Text): The original text is "Matn Abi Shuja'" or "Ghayat al-Taqrib," authored by Abu Shuja' al-Asfahani, which is considered a primary introduction and reference for students of Shafi'i fiqh.

The book is used as an educational reference for students in intermediate and higher levels. It provides an extensive explanation of the jurisprudential texts, which helps students and scholars gain a deeper understanding of the Sharia rulings. The Hashiyah provides simplified commentaries that help resolve issues and clarify the branches of fiqh.

Gorgeous verified and annotated edition, with Harakats in part.

€30.00 (tax incl.)
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حاشية القليوبي على شرح ابن قاسم الغزي علي متن أبي شجاع
العلامة أحمد القليوبي
دار الفيحاء
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Premium Quality ++
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Hashiyat al-Qalyubi 'ala Sharh Ibn Qasim al-Ghazi 'ala Matn Abi Shuja