Mughni al-Muhtaj - Ash-Shirbini (Fiqh Shafii)

Al-Furu' li Ibn al-Haddad (Al-Masaa-il...

An-Nafahat al-Makkiyah fi al-Fawa-id...

Al Muharrar fi Fiqh al Imam Ash-Shafi'i (3 vol....

Al-Wasit fil-Fiqh ash-Shafi'i - Dr. Muhammad...

A rare work, a book of comparative Fiqh from the pen of one of the greatest Imams, the Mufassir Ibn Jarir at-Tabari (310H).
In this book, Abu Jaafar at-Tabari has mentioned the controversial issues between the Mujtahideen (Pl. of Mujtahid, an expert scholar of fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), such as the three Imams: Abu Hanifah, Malik and ash-Shafi’i, and he also mentioned the sayings of al-Awza’i and al-Layth and the like. However, he has omitted to mention Imam Ahmed, because he stated that he was a Muhaddith, not a jurist.
He then mentioned the evidence of each opinion in detail. At the end of each issue he favours the most predominant one in his opinion by saying: And what is correct for us is such and such or Abu Jaafar said so and so.
Published for the first time by bringing together all the existing parts at our disposal, this book sets out the different opinions known at the time on certain Fiqh issues.
The Muhaqqiq has taken care to quote additional sources when available, and has also given some linguistic explanations when necessary.
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